
  • Tarmizi Ismail Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Kamal Ahmed Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Mahiuddin Alamgir Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Mohammad Noor Kakar Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Abu Bakar Fadzil Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



Flood frequency analysis, Gumbel copula, bivariate probability distribution


A copula based methodology is presented in this study for bivariate flood frequency analysis over a station over a Kelantan river basin located in Northeast Malaysia. The joint dependence structures of three flood characteristics, namely, peak flow, flood volume and flood duration were modelled using Gumble Copula. Various univariate distribution functions of flood variables were fitted with observed flood variables to find the best distributions (eg. generalized pareto, log-normal, exponential, gamma distribution, weibull, gumbel, cauchy). The results of study revealed that different variable fits with different distributions and the correlation analysis among variables showed a strong association. Cumulative joint distribution functions (CDF) of peakflow and volume, peakflow and duration and volume and duration revealed that return period of joint return periods are much higher.


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How to Cite

BIVARIATE FLOOD FREQUENCY ANALYSIS USING GUMBEL COPULA. (2018). Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30(2).