
  • Phoumsavath Souvannalath Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University (CMU), 50200, Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • Suttichai Premrudeepreechacharn Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University (CMU), 50200, Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • Kanchit Ngamsanroaj Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, Nonthaburi, Thailand



Power transformer diagnosis, Cognitive artificial intelligence, Dissolved gas analysis


The research introduces a cognitive artificial intelligence (CAI) model that leverages dissolved gas analysis (DGA) to investigate power transformer faults. Conventional fault interpretation methods using DGA are limited in accuracy and uncertainty. In response, the proposed CAI model utilizes cognitive learning and direct interaction to achieve remarkably accurate fault identification without the need for supervised training. By extracting fault features through key gas ratio limitations. However, the CAI model also has a gap in data perception due to the information sensory challenges. Using gas ratios based on the conventional fault interpretation methods in the latest study still limited data perception of the CAI model to only three or four gas ratios. Thus, this study aims to increase data perception by extracting fault features through ten gas ratio limitations. The proposed CAI model's performance is validated, outperforming traditional methods like the Duval triangle method, Duval pentagon method, Doernenburg ratio method, and Roger ratio method, as well as common AI approaches including artificial neuron network, long short-term memory, nearest neighbor classifiers, support vector machine, ensemble classifiers, and decision trees. Notably, the CAI model's success rate in fault type identification stands at an impressive 98.04%. A distinctive trait of the CAI model is its autonomous knowledge accumulation and enhancement, enabled by inferring-fusion information and sensor-based knowledge integration. This intrinsic learning ability further contributes to its exceptional fault diagnosis accuracy. The proposed CAI model showcases promising potential for revolutionizing power transformer fault investigation and diagnosis, mitigating unplanned outages, and ultimately bolstering power system reliability.


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