Slope and length factor (LS), Moore and Burch Method, LS Nomograph, Way Pubian SubwatershedAbstract
Erosion caused by land degradation is one of the main challenges to soil quality around the world. One way to prevent erosion is by analyzing the length and slope factor (LS). The increasing length of the slope causes the higher amount of cumulative runoff and also the increasing steepness of the soil slope causes the higher speed of runoff that contributes to erosion. The purpose of this research is to analyze the LS factor value of Moore and Burch (1986) method and LS Nomograph for Way Pubian Subwatershed. The research method was done with Moore and Burch method and Nomograf LS. Moore and Burch (1986) method used the flow accumulation on DEM data as the main input in ArcGIS and the result shows the LS value ranged from 0 to 765.625 with an average (mean) value of 4.427. Meanwhile, the nomograph LS method resulted in high LS values and is not compatible with the Jakarta RTL-RLKT Preparation Implementation Guidelines (1986). Slope conditions affect the amount of surface flow so that it also affects the contribution of erosion and LS value. Way Pubian sub-watershed also classified as steep, resulting in a high LS value. Based on the method of Moore and Burch (1986) using ArcGIS software, we can conclude that the results of LS factor values can be used in Indonesia compared to the nomograph LS method which the results are less suitable due to topographic factors. As a result, the LS value from Moore and Burch (1986) method can be used in erosion prediction calculation.
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