
  • Vivek Nath Department of Electrical Engineering, University College of Engineering, RTU, 342010 Kota, Rajasthan, India




Super Conducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES), Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC), PD-PID Controller, GRC, GDB


In this article Multi-Area Multi-Source Interconnected Power System (MAMS-IPS) incorporated with an Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) in both the areas is considered for Load Frequency Control (LFC) study. Nonlinearity such as Governor Rate Constraints (GRC), Governor Dead Band (GDB), and Boiler are introduced with the thermal reheat generating unit. The effect of energy storage device (SMES) and fact device (TCSC) on the dynamic responses of IPS is also tested. PD-PID controller is suggested along with PID/PI-PD controller for minimizing the Automatic Control Error (ACE). The parameters of the proposed controller are optimized through a nature-inspired algorithm (PSO). PD-PID is superior then other suggested PID/PI-PD controllers. Objective functions ITAE, IAE, ISE, and ITSE are taken into consideration for finding the optimized values of the suggested controller as well as of TCSC and SMES devices. A step load of 10% is applied in both IPS areas. The rigidness of the suggested controller is verified by varying the loading condition of the IPS. A 10% increment in step load form is introduced for each area. The effect of renewable energy sources such as solar and a wind unit is also taken into consideration in this article. Varying step input is applied to this renewable unit to absorb its effect on the output responses of MAMS-IPS. The superiority of the PD-PID controller is verified by comparing its result with the recently published optimal controllers results described in the literature. SMES helps in improving the dynamic responses of the MAMS-IPS. Based on performance indices and Settling-time (ST) results of proposed controllers are compared with each other. For commenting on the stability of the introduced Power system (PS) eigenvalue analysis is also conducted. MATLAB version 2018 @ simulation software is used for simulation and for creating .m files


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How to Cite

OPTIMAL LOAD FREQUENCY CONTROL OF INTERLINKED NONLINEAR POWER SYSTEM INTEGRATED WITH SMES-TCSC AND HVDC. (2024). ASEAN Engineering Journal, 14(3), 123-136. https://doi.org/10.11113/aej.v14.21323