Savonius, Renewable energy, Phase Shift Angle, Computational fluid dynamicsAbstract
The primary aim of this research is to enhance the accessibility of clean energy by advancing technology in energy conversion. Specifically, the focus is on optimizing the design of wind turbines equipped with Savonius rotors to maximize the generation of renewable energy. The Savonius rotor is a cross-flow rotor characterized by its uncomplicated design and ease of implementation. The performance of Savonius is significantly influenced by geometric considerations. The performance enhancement of the Savonius multi-stage is contingent upon the phase-shift angle (PSA). The present study employed three-dimensional modeling techniques with Ansys software, specifically utilizing the CFX solver. An optimization of the Savonius rotor design was conducted on a two-stage rotor, utilizing PSA variations of 0˚, 15˚, 30˚, 45˚, 60˚, 75˚ and 90˚. The technology employed in this study is computational fluid dynamics (CFD), which is performed assuming steady-state boundary conditions. The turbulent behavior of fluid flow is effectively captured by the SST turbulence model. The velocity of the fluid entrance is established at 6 m/s, while the pressure of the output is consistently maintained at 1 atm. The Savonius rotor variant, including a pitch angle angle (PSA) of 15°, demonstrates a coefficient of power of 0.32, which is widely regarded as the most ideal. The performance of the two-stage Savonius design can be further evaluated by considering its performance at angles of 0° and 30°, as it exhibits commendable performance.
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