
  • Mohd Hafiz Faizal Mohamad Kamil Institute of Visual Informatics Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Azizah Jaafar Institute of Visual Informatics Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia



Usability, trust, awareness, product label design, purchase decision


Products selection approach is subjective to each consumer and this issue becomes a problem to product manufacturers, particularly package label designer to determine the best design model for their product labels. Usability is identified as among the main criteria that determine the effectiveness of a product label design to the consumer.  Other criteria such as awareness and trust may contribute to accurate and correct decisions by the consumers based on informative label design. This study proposed a conceptual framework for the criteria of usability, awareness and trust on product label design that may affect the purchase decision by consumers. A survey adapted from previous study, was conducted on experts to determine the criteria of design elements for product label design specifically to assist in product purchase. Our study found that, a total number of 18 characteristics were included in high category of the three design element criteria with 76% means score. These types of characteristics may enhance customer confidence during purchasing process.


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