Extraction, fish protein concentrate, snakehead fish [Ophiocephalus striatus (Bloch, 1793)], soluble protein, solventAbstract
Study aimed to determine the optimum solvent for extraction of soluble protein (albumin) and identify the chemical composition of snakehead fish protein concentrate. The method was experimental while the treatments were the variation of solvents: distilled water, HCl 0.1 M, and NaCl 0.9 %. Soluble protein (albumin) and yield parameters analyzed by using completely randomized design (CRD) which consist three treatments and four replications, the other parameters were described descriptively. The result showed that the highest soluble protein (albumin) (7.65 %) was produced by HCl 0.1 M solvent with 2.55 % yield, 10.76 % dry basis moisture content, 63.78 % total protein content, and 2.54 % fat content.
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