
  • Bustari Hasan Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Universitas Riau, Jl. HR. Subrantas KM 12, 5 Pekanbaru, Riau 28293, Indonesia
  • Indra Suharman Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Universitas Riau, Jl. HR. Subrantas KM 12, 5 Pekanbaru, Riau 28293, Indonesia
  • Desmelati Desmelati Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Universitas Riau, Jl. HR. Subrantas KM 12, 5 Pekanbaru, Riau 28293, Indonesia
  • Dian Iriani Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Universitas Riau, Jl. HR. Subrantas KM 12, 5 Pekanbaru, Riau 28293, Indonesia



Carcass quality, diets, river catfish (Hemibagrus nemurus Valenciennes, 1840), smoking yield, sensory quality


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of high protein-low energy and low protein-high energy diet on carcass quality of raw and smoked river catfish fillets. Two diets containing high protein-low energy (40 % protein, 2.75 kcal g–1 energy, diet A) and low protein-high energy (34 % protein, 3.00 kcal·g-1 energy, diet B) which produced the best growth in our previous feeding trial were fed to river catfish. The fish, 40.14 g to 42.64 g in weight were stocked in commercial fish cage at dencity of 50 fish per m3and fed the experimental diets for 90 d. At the end of the experiment, all fish was weighed for weight gain, 20 fish were evaluated for carcass quality and other 20 fish were filleted and hot smoked. Smoked fillets were assessed for smoking yield, proximate composition, sensory quality and overall acceptability. Edible flesh, dressing percentage and flesh water holding capacity  of the fresh raw were higher for the fish fed diet A; but carcass waste was higher for the fish fed diet B. Protein composition was higher for the fish fed diet A; however, fat composition was higher for the fish fed diet B. In terms of smoking yield and overall acceptability of smoked fish, there was no difference between smoked fillets prepared from the fish fed the two diets, while appearance and texture were higher for the smoked fillets prepared from fish fed diet A; and odor as well as flavor were higher for smoked fillets prepared from fish fed diet B. 


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