Bubalus bubalis, cytochrome B gene, phylogenetic treeAbstract
Buffalo population in the central of Indonesia such as Bali, NTB, and Sulawesi is decreased. Cause of the decline of buffalo population is inbreeding. For conservation efforts to avoid inbreeding required the identification of buffalo genetic variations on molecular scale as phylogeny analysis with cyt b gene. The purpose of this study were to reconstruct the phylogenetic tree of buffalo ((Bubalus bubalis) in the central of Indonesia with cyt b gene. Animal materials were collected from four different area: Bali, Lombok, Bima and Toraja. DNA isolation, PCR (polymerase chain reaction) was conducted under standar protocols. Sequence from four representaive animals based on area were used to contruct the phylogenetic tree and haplotype network. Analyses of plylogenetic tree showed that the reconstruction has one major clade and two sub clade. It showed that buffalo in central of Indonesia had close genetic relationship.
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