About the Journal

ASEAN Engineering Journal (AEJ) is an official publication of the JICA Project for AUN/SEED-Net as a fruit of collaboration with the main support from the Government of Japan through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Member Governments from 10 ASEAN countries and 26 Member Institutions (MIs) selected from leading institutions in engineering field with support from 14 leading Japanese Universities.

Over the years, AEJ developed a strong international academic network from extensive human resources established by network of professionals and continuous collaborations via the journal. 

ASEAN Engineering Journal is published online with a frequency of four (4) issues per year (March, June, September, and December). A double-blind peer review system is adopted to ensure the transparency and integrity of the review process.

The journal is open access and does not charge any publication fee for AUN/SEED.net Member of Institution in ASEAN.

Scope of Publication

AEJ intended to be an international platform for scholars, researchers, and students from all over the world to publish innovative knowledge addressing ASEAN common issues from academic research outcomes and to improve research capacity through review process. AEJ publishes full academic papers covering 10 different engineering fields including Chemical Engineering (ChE), Civil Engineering (CE), Computer and Information Engineering (CIE), Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), Energy Engineering (EneE), Environmental Engineering (EnvE), Geological and Geo-Resource Engineering (GeoE), Materials Engineering (MatE), Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (ME/ManuE) and Natural Disaster (ND).

Indexed by: SCOPUS,  Asean Citation Index (ACI), Thai Citation Index (TCI), GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Current Issue

Vol. 14 No. 2: June 2024
					View Vol. 14 No. 2: June 2024
Published: 2024-05-31


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